
Nummbz Wishlist

Welcome to your Nummbz Wishlist! Here, you can save and manage your favorite items for future reference.

1. Add Items to Your Wishlist:
Save Favorites: Click the “Add to Wishlist” button on any product page to save your favorite items for easy access later.
View Saved Items: Access your wishlist anytime by clicking on the “Wishlist” icon in the top right corner of the page.

2. Manage Your Wishlist:
View Details: Review the details of each saved item, including product name, size, color, and price.
Update Quantities: If you want to adjust the quantity or update the size or color, simply remove the item from your wishlist and re-add it with the new preferences.
Remove Items: To remove an item from your wishlist, click the “Remove” button next to the product. Confirm removal if prompted.

3. Move to Cart:
Add to Cart: When you’re ready to purchase an item from your wishlist, click the “Add to Cart” button to move it to your shopping cart for checkout.

4. Share Your Wishlist:
Share Options: If you’d like to share your wishlist with friends or family, use the “Share” button to send a link via email or social media.

5. Wishlist Notifications:
Price Alerts: Optionally, sign up for notifications to receive alerts if there are any changes in price or availability for items on your wishlist.

6. Customer Support:
Need Help? If you have questions about managing your wishlist or need assistance, contact our customer support team at  support@nummbz.com or call [Your Phone Number].
Thank you for creating a wishlist with Nummbz! We’re excited to help you find and enjoy your favorite styles.

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